Mistakes were not made. Pelosi and the rest of the hand-wringing congressional parasites who screech about "threats to our democracy!" know damn well what they are saying....and the funny thing is, they aren't exactly lying. Their little DC fifedom IS a corporation; they are its board of directors....and yes, the method of governance that it utilizes is as democratic as the Senate of ancient Rome, which is where the model was taken from. The lie has been perpetuated is that this group is "the government". They are not the government, nor are any of the too-numerous-to-count departments, bureaus, agencies, branches et al of every level of federal, state and local "authority" the actual government. They are all corporations, each distinct and separately chartered, and with its own Dunn&Bradstreet number. They are all government service agencies, who WeThePeople contracted to perform specific, limited tasks on our behalf. We were ALWAYS supposed to have maintained the original Republican form of government at our local, county and country ('state) level and held them in check. We didn't, though......we let our responsibility to be the checks and balances lapse. Now, we are faced with the enormous task of figuring out how to take that responsibility back and bring them to heel after generations of our people have grown up being brainwashed into believe that the racketeering group of bad actors is our actual government.

All of them are complicit; all of them. Each and every governor, secretary of state, congress at state and federal levels, Trump, RFKJr....all of them. They all know damn well that their very language is deceptive and continues to perpetuate the fraud and identity theft that has been levied against WeThePeople. And mistakes were not made; it is as deliberate and premeditated as the covid-con.

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I knew I was going to like this article as soon as I read the title. Since the beginning of my political awakening 30 years ago, I notice it when people mix up the words constitutional republic and democracy or when they use “democracy” when seeming to mean “constitutional republic” or when they use them interchangeably.

In recent years, I have noticed a great many people - even people who should know better - calling the U. S. system of government a “democracy.” Democracy seems to be all the rage around the world. It is spoken of in glowing terms - something to boast about if a country is one and something to aim for if a country isn’t.

And I wonder why such prominent people (and I’m speaking about people who really seem to be in favor of liberty, not mainstream media brainwashed people) use positively a word that contradicts what they seem to be promoting.

Many have explained democracy as two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. It is so easy to understand, but the truth of this is lost to most people who hear democracy continually lauded.

It feels pretty hopeless to try to correct people, but maybe I will continue to try…

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Excellent article, thank you for this eloquent framework. I have intuitively perceived for some time that the celebrated concept of democracy is nothing but more doublethink and a treacherous trap door leading to the woke hive world. LOL, there we go, I am starting to despise anything that even smells of virtue!

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Apr 10Liked by Coquin de Chien

Thank you John. If you have not already done so, read "The Indoctrinated Brain". Describes the assault on the human hippocampus by the covid program and "spiking". There obviously was nothing in the gene-therapy shots related to human health. Peace.

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Thank you for this articulate and important clarification of the crucial-to-understand difference between a Republic and a Democracy.

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I fully agree with the idea that a just government should be rooted most firmly in broadly defined individuals rights envisioned as restrictions on state power and enshrined in an express constitutional form; however, I think you are barking up the wrong tree.

A pure and despotic democracy would be better than what we have right now. Even misled by the most ill intentioned charismatic leader, no majority of citizens would vote to have their own lives taken in population control schemes. Yet that is precisely the object of numerous public policies: to murder or injure large masses of people, ideally without their knowledge and with legal impunity.

No one votes to have themselves and their family poisoned. At worst they might agree to punish some minority of other citizens in such a way but the schemes of our current ruling despots aim at a far broader target as evinced by the billions of vaccine doses administered.

Government based on the elitist concept that humanity requires culling, eugenics and transhumanism is not democratic and not based on any concept of 'public good.' It is based on the assertion of superiority by an extreme minority-- a superiority that they believe allows them to decide the fate of the human race and to end the lives of humans as they see fit.

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Sorry, the usual stick-in-the-mud misconception from the past and present with lots of etymology See democracy (in the sense of votes being cast) instead not positively and oppressively but as the power of veto: the emergency stop cord on the runaway train. Majority votes are there to halt the schemes of madmen, not implement novel machinations. Begin with deselection by popular vote of rogue judges, heads of police and the like. There should be none but have been many these last few years. Universal suffrage needs to be a further check & balance, to add to those we have, and which have recently failed us so badly. I have spelt out this approach in great detail and answering all objections on a dedicated website using the expression fuzzydemocracy, which is located on an eu domain ("eu" because that is where I live).

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I dunno about the electoral college anymore.

Heck we don't even need representatives... Why not just do direct voting? It's not gonna be any worse than the crooked people we got representing us!

Keep in mind that The Constitution was so lacking that they had to AMEND it with the bill of rights, because people were protesting the lack of rights in the Constitution!


"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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You have a democracy where the majority rules...until the majority are bought off by the power hungry control freaks. Happens every time. In any form of government, and that includes all forms of government, there will always, and that means every single cotton-picking time, be enough power hungry anti-human parasites willing to do anything to gain control. That includes mass murder.

There is NO government that can ever survive if the citizens have complete control. Impossible! That means if that were to happen, there would be no government and no need for any government. And where do we find that today? Nowhere.

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Thank you. Would that basic civics instruction could return to the schools.

PS I think giving out copies of this book, as many as one can afford, is an excellent idea. I do what I can in this regard. I sometimes leave books of covid counternarrative on public transport seats, or, say, on a table in the public library. Someone, who knows who, but someone will see it. They will have to look at the cover, at least. Whether they choose to read it is up to them, but at least, having seen the book, maybe even having held the book in their hand, they have the option. Because of the censorship, so many people still have no clue of the extent to which they're being lied to by the mainstream media.

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It seems you only ship books to the USA. What about your friends overseas who would rather have hard copy than ebook?

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" After all, We The People constituted the United States government, through representatives, at the Constitutional Convention."

Wrong. Read the antifederalists and Lysander Spooner's, "The Constitution of No Authority."

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was NOT A POPULAR document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


"When we have made our constitution purely democratic, thinks to himself the earnest reformer, we shall have brought government into harmony with absolute justice. Such a faith, though perhaps needful for the age, is a very erroneous one. By no process can coercion be made equitable."

- Herbert Spencer, Social Statics [1851]. chap 20, The Right to Ignore the State, p 210


As a matter of fact, it was NEVER a "people's Constitution", as has been so frequently claimed at Presidential elections, and on other similar occasions. They, the people, were never very much interested, either in the project itself or in the ratification of a form of national government. They did not particularly want anything of the sort and they did not like what came out of Philadelphia, but this distaste was not strong enough to overcome their natural lethargy, so only about five percent of the white male population voted as to whether the Constitution should be accepted or rejected. As it was, it only got by by the skin of its teeth and by some very clever management on the part of its proponents. The whole thing, in conception, formulation, and realization, was

the work of a small group of enthusiastic young men of property and position, with wiser heads on their shoulders than their years would argue as rationally possible, though they were not wise enough to foresee the unimaginable — but inevitable.

-Ralph Adams Cram, Nemesis of Democracy - PDF - , The American Review, December 1936, pp. 129-141


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Perhaps I am a little too OCD because I have always had a problem with both Dems and Repubs calling our government a democracy. This substack makes it perfectly clear why it isn't. Now for the OCD part. I also can't stand it when all of media and all politicians refer to the Democrat party as the Democratic party.

There is no such thing as the Democratic Party. It is DEMOCRAT party. Perhaps this constant media lexicon mix-up is intentional and is why there is such a broad and incorrect reference to Democracy.

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Outstanding! Thank you.

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Just so i make sure i get your book--a while back i pre-ordered. Im guessing it hasnt actually been released yet or do i need to order again?

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