You speak for many, both living and deceased, doing so far better than I am able.

Though my faith in the judicial system is greatly diminished, it is not extinguished.

Wishes are one thing, prayers are another. Possibly there is a place where the lines blur. I'm choosing the prayer path. Prayer is energy in use.

May positive energy through prayer come your way.

Blessings on you and your efforts.

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I am sympathetic. I hope you are able to get the relief you are asking for. I assume, in spite of your seeming erudition, that you are representing yourself in the proceedings that you are bringing. Unfortunately, I think it is extremely unlikely that a court will grant a pro-se litigant such far-reaching remedies that have huge public policy implications. Assume for a moment that you get in front of a judge whose gut tells him or her that the injections are killing people and that adverse effects and deaths are being covered up. That's extremely unlikely. But then ask yourself, how many judges are likely to be willing to go out on that long of a limb, even if in their gut they know you're right?

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A fascinating saga, John. I hope it travels well for you. Kind regards, Greg Yates in Adelaide.

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I want to see this in a FILM, accessible to EVERYONE on the entire planet, in all languages. It is brilliant, perfect, and RIGHTEOUS. ALL OF IT, From part one to this last.

When is this going to be filed? Please keep us apprised of what happens, as slowly as it may go... and,

BLESS YOU FOR YOUR WORK, you are in the hearts and prayers of many, and I hope many to come. You and your son are on my list of daily prayers. xo xo xo

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